Sunday, 29 January 2017

How to Recover Gold from GPC Solution Tutorial/Gold Recovery Method from GPC Solution/Gold Extraction from GPC Solution

Gold recovery from GPC (Gold Potassium Cyanide) solutions is a very profitable business. I am going to give you a very easy process for gold recovery from a potassium cyanide solution. Zinc dust can easily recover gold from this solution. It is a metal displacement theory.

Heat the solution to around 60 degrees Celsius. You may either use a PVC, plastic, or glass container for it. You can use a glass heater to heat the solution. Add five to ten grammes of (325 mesh) zinc dust per ter. Stir the solution with a glass rod for about five minutes, at least five times, with a gap of one hour between each time. Leave the solution for a night. But make sure the solution remains hot throughout the night. Zinc dust will displace all the gold from the solution by morning. Pour out all the liquid into another container, leaving behind the gold dust.

This gold dust has some zinc impurities in it. So, it needs to be refined. On a lighter flame, you treat it with dilute sulfuric or nitric acid for five to ten minutes. This treatment will produce some smoke. So, use a properly ventilated place for it. During the reaction, bubbles come to the surface, break, and give out smoke of a green color. It is an indication of the zinc dust being dissolved in the acid. The bubbles and green smoke completely cease when the gold dust undergoes refinement. Wash this refined gold dust with water three to four times. Dry it and melt it into a gold button.

 Note: I have uploaded a video regarding it on my YouTube channel:

The comments and emails that I receive from people suggest that I am talking about producing a GPC (gold potassium cyanide) solution for gold recovery. It is not that. GPC is used in gold plating on different materials, such as artificial jewellery, water taps, door handles, and many more things. Some companies don’t recover gold from the spent-up cyanide solutions. They prefer to sell it to outsiders. Therefore, this video is for those who want to make money through GPC by purchasing it from the gold plating plants. You can really make a lot of money by recovering gold from this exhausted GPC solution. Please use safety gear if you do this process.

 If you want to discuss some other things with me regarding it, you may send us an email through oue contact form on our blog.

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