You can make a lot of money recovering gold from BGA chips. They are very easy to recover gold from. But you must be very careful about purchasing this material. Just because the BGA chips from Chinese computer mother boards have as little as one gramme of gold per kilo or even less. I remember, some ten to fifteen years ago, that BGA chips had a yield of 7 grammes of gold per kilo. But the important thing about that was that they were all made by Intel. The Intel mother boards from which they were removed were heavier in weight than the non-Intel computer mother boards. BGA chips from AMD computer mother boards also had a good yield of gold. With the passage of time, more and more companies started manufacturing mother boards, and the competition became fierce. The price of gold also soared. As a result, the gold content of BGA chips decreased.
It is not that we get BGA chips only from computer motherboards; we get them from many other sources as well. We get BGA chips from hard drive logic cards, electronic devices used in telephone exchanges, mobile towers, etc.
If you want to recover gold from BGA chips, make sure you do a sample first if it is a mixed lot of different makes. Buy it in small quantities. Try to check the percentage of Intel chips in that lot. Intel chips will yield 7 grammemes of gold per kilo, and the rest will give you one gramme per kilo. So, assess the price of the lot according to the ratio of the chips. You can even buy hard drives in large quantities and dismantle them. As mentioned above, chips mounted on the logic card in hard drives have a higher gold value. You can recover gold from drives and sell the rest of the material to a metal trader. And this way, you can make more money from chips. Another way to make more money from chips is to always buy the old stuff manufactured in 2002 or even before. We still get old stuff, though not very much.
By following the above-mentioned tips, you can certainly make more money from BGA chips.
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I wish you all the success in your endeavours and thank you for your time!
Ummm the info u shared here is one in its on class,most people dont give such detailed info about bga chips they just they all have gud gold,thanx