Sunday, 29 January 2017

How to Recover Gold from GPC Solution Tutorial/Gold Recovery Method from GPC Solution/Gold Extraction from GPC Solution

Gold recovery from GPC (Gold Potassium Cyanide) solutions is a very profitable business. I am going to give you a very easy process for gold recovery from a potassium cyanide solution. Zinc dust can easily recover gold from this solution. It is a metal displacement theory.

Heat the solution to around 60 degrees Celsius. You may either use a PVC, plastic, or glass container for it. You can use a glass heater to heat the solution. Add five to ten grammes of (325 mesh) zinc dust per ter. Stir the solution with a glass rod for about five minutes, at least five times, with a gap of one hour between each time. Leave the solution for a night. But make sure the solution remains hot throughout the night. Zinc dust will displace all the gold from the solution by morning. Pour out all the liquid into another container, leaving behind the gold dust.

This gold dust has some zinc impurities in it. So, it needs to be refined. On a lighter flame, you treat it with dilute sulfuric or nitric acid for five to ten minutes. This treatment will produce some smoke. So, use a properly ventilated place for it. During the reaction, bubbles come to the surface, break, and give out smoke of a green color. It is an indication of the zinc dust being dissolved in the acid. The bubbles and green smoke completely cease when the gold dust undergoes refinement. Wash this refined gold dust with water three to four times. Dry it and melt it into a gold button.

 Note: I have uploaded a video regarding it on my YouTube channel:

The comments and emails that I receive from people suggest that I am talking about producing a GPC (gold potassium cyanide) solution for gold recovery. It is not that. GPC is used in gold plating on different materials, such as artificial jewellery, water taps, door handles, and many more things. Some companies don’t recover gold from the spent-up cyanide solutions. They prefer to sell it to outsiders. Therefore, this video is for those who want to make money through GPC by purchasing it from the gold plating plants. You can really make a lot of money by recovering gold from this exhausted GPC solution. Please use safety gear if you do this process.

 If you want to discuss some other things with me regarding it, you may send us an email through oue contact form on our blog.

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Friday, 27 January 2017

How to buy BGA Chips & make more money from them?

You can make a lot of money recovering gold from BGA chips. They are very easy to recover gold from. But you must be very careful about purchasing this material. Just because the BGA chips from Chinese computer mother boards have as little as one gramme of gold per kilo or even less. I remember, some ten to fifteen years ago, that BGA chips had a yield of 7 grammes of gold per kilo. But the important thing about that was that they were all made by Intel. The Intel mother boards from which they were removed were heavier in weight than the non-Intel computer mother boards. BGA chips from AMD computer mother boards also had a good yield of gold. With the passage of time, more and more companies started manufacturing mother boards, and the competition became fierce. The price of gold also soared. As a result, the gold content of BGA chips decreased.

It is not that we get BGA chips only from computer motherboards; we get them from many other sources as well. We get BGA chips from hard drive logic cards, electronic devices used in telephone exchanges, mobile towers, etc.

If you want to recover gold from BGA chips, make sure you do a sample first if it is a mixed lot of different makes. Buy it in small quantities. Try to check the percentage of Intel chips in that lot. Intel chips will yield 7 grammemes of gold per kilo, and the rest will give you one gramme per kilo. So, assess the price of the lot according to the ratio of the chips. You can even buy hard drives in large quantities and dismantle them. As mentioned above, chips mounted on the logic card in hard drives have a higher gold value. You can recover gold from drives and sell the rest of the material to a metal trader. And this way, you can make more money from chips. Another way to make more money from chips is to always buy the old stuff manufactured in 2002 or even before. We still get old stuff, though not very much.

By following the above-mentioned tips, you can certainly make more money from BGA chips.

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Monday, 23 January 2017

Non aqua regia method for gold recovery from chips instantly/Instant Gold Recovery/Quick Gold Recovery Method

A lot of people around the world want quick and easy gold recovery from gold-coated or gold-polished computer part scrap or other electronic waste. Some people even want to recover gold from scrap watches and their chains. Some people want to recover gold from artificial jewelry. So, guys, we've prepared a highly effective gold-removing solution. It recovers the gold from gold-plated items instantly. We've also posted a YouTube video about it. The URL is:

This solution is very economical. A one-time prepared solution works for five batches. 

If you remove the material from this solution quickly, it doesn't attack copper. However, if the gold-coated copper material remains in the solution for a longer period of time, it attacks copper slightly.

Some people use aqua regia to extract gold. But you can’t recover gold through aqua regia from so many materials. For example, if you try to recover gold from gold-plated stainless steel, aluminium, copper, etc. using royal water, you will have to face great difficulty. Aqua regia will also dissolve the above-mentioned metals. It will increase your processing costs and make it extremely difficult to precipitate gold from the AR solution. So, we carried out intensive research and prepared an instant gold recovery solution. All of you guys were looking for a solution that should dissolve the gold quickly and not attack the substrates. 

There you go!

Note: In my YouTube video, people want to know the composition of the solution that I used in gold recovery from chips.   Some people have sent me comments about their idea that I used potassium cyanide in my solution. This is not correct. These days, there are many new combinations used for gold recovery from gold-coated material. Even some gold miners use these chemicals. Some Chinese companies also sell products that can easily recover gold from ores, among other things. So, whatever opinions my friends expressed on my channels about the composition of the solution are not correct. It is the result of many years of hard work. This video is edited. To learn more about it, you can send us an email through our blog's contact form.
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Saturday, 14 January 2017

How to Recover Silver from Electrical Silver Contacts?/Silver Recovery/Silver Recovery Business/How to Separate Silver from Copper

Silver contacts are either made of pure silver and soldered on copper strips, or copper contacts are coated with a thick layer of silver. In both conditions, silver can be recovered with nitric acid (HNO3).

If the silver contacts are soldered on copper strips, you can cut the copper strips with a cutter to separate the silver contacts from them. Now place all of the silver contact points in a stainless steel pot. Take one part nitric acid (68%), one part water, and mix them together. Now pour this small amount of dilute nitric acid onto the silver points in the stainless steel pot. The copper and silver will react with nitric acid and start dissolving into it. This reaction produces some smoke. So, either you should do it in the open or in a room with an exhaust fan, so that the exhaust fan should send all the smoke out into the air. Keep pouring dilute nitric acid into the pot till all the metals dissolve into the solution. Now there are two metals in the solution in the form of nitrates, that is, silver nitrate and copper nitrate. First, we will recover silver from this solution. To do that, take HCL (hydrochloric acid) at 35% purity. Mix HCL with silver nitrate solution in small increments. When silver chloride stops separating from the solution, stop adding HCL. Decant the solution when silver chloride (AgCl) has settled completely to the bottom.

 Heat up some water and add it to the silver chloride. You can use a plastic pot to do so. Take round iron pieces of around two inches in diameter and half an inch thickness. Put these iron rings onto silver chloride in a plastic container. With a wooden rod, slowly move around these iron rings for a while. Silver chloride will start changing colour and converting into pure silver. Once there is no more silver chloride in the container, stop stirring the rings. Now you have pure silver dust. Take out the rings; wash the silver dust with plain water three times. Dry this dust and melt it into a solid piece of silver.

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