Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap/E-waste Recycling for Gold/Recover Gold from Rams/Gold Recovery from Computer Parts

Gold recovery from electronic scrap is a very lucrative business. But you must find the right source to buy the material. Because there are two things to consider when you start this business: Number one, you should choose the right methods to recover all precious metals from electronic waste (e-waste). Number two: you should also be good at purchasing the material. Being good at only one thing won’t help.

When we talk about electronic scrap, it is not one big thing. It is a mixture of either so many electronic circuit boards or a variety of whole devices. The best thing about it, according to my experience, is that you should not process everything. You should be careful if you want to make more money in a short time. When we talk about precious metal recovery from electronic scrap, it is not every component of the scrap that yields precious metals. Only specific components require the use of precious metals. For example, chips, processors, golden fingers, gold-plated connectors, some special diodes and transistors, monolithic ceramic capacitors and relays, etc.

If you happen to buy a mixed lot of electronic scrap, you should first segregate the items. Now, one by one, take away the above-mentioned precious metal-bearing components. There are customers for almost everything that you get from e-waste. So, you can sell the rest of the items (non-gold-bearing ones) to the e-waste recyclers.

There are tests that allow you to determine the presence of various precious metals. For example, if you think that a particular component is silver-plated,. You can first put a drop of nitric acid on it, followed by a drop of hydrochloric acid. If there is silver, either in the form of alloy or polish, there will be a curd-like formation on the surface of the metal. For gold, you can put a drop of nitric acid on a component or a piece of metal that looks like gold. Gold does not react with nitric acid. It stays as it is. If it is copper, brass, etc., nitric acid will react and dissolve the metal. In the same way, there are methods for testing palladium and platinum as well.

You can remove gold polish from the components through an AP process. CPU's and processors are best treated for gold recovery with aqua regia. Gold can be removed from the pins through sulfuric cells, too.

In my next article, we will discuss some precious metal recovery methods in detail.

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