E-waste recycling undoubtedly holds a great future in India. But you have to streamline this trade. Last year, 1.85 million tonnes of e-waste were generated in India.
We are all increasingly addicted to a variety of electronic devices. So, obviously, every year the quantity of e-waste in India is going to be even greater. India is marching towards prosperity at a faster pace. And this has given the Indian consumer a great deal of power to buy good brands of mobiles and laptops, etc. Expensive brands use more precious metals in their gadgets. As a result, recycling companies make more money when they recycle precious metals from them.
A metal recycling company recycles electronic scrap. The metal business has many advantages; it is a cash business. Any metal sells like hot cakes. Iron is the cheapest metal compared to copper, aluminium, etc.; you can even sell this metal any time on the phone. The reason being that every metal finds so many uses that its demand never decreases. There could be a little timely fluctuation in the prices sometimes, but it does not affect the demand much. These factors, plus many more, make people opt for e-waste recycling businesses in India.
All the big companies just want to get rid of e-waste because they want their place to be clean. That’s why they dispose of their e-waste either at a very low price or free of charge. Some of the workers in the big firms are very careless. They throw away the computer or just any other electronic device, even with the slightest fault. And the recyclers benefit greatly from this practice. When the recyclers pick up CPUs or monitors from big companies, they segregate them and have those machines tested and refurbished. Around 30 to 40 percent of the of the material, be it computers, mobile phones, or just any other e-scrap, becomes functional with a slight repair. In this way, recyclers generate significant profits. And this will never stop.
Another important thing that goes in favour of the licensed recyclers is that the government has made a law that only licensed recyclers can pick up the material now because 80% of e-waste in India is processed in he illegal or unauthorized sector. And the people in the unauthorised sector don’t use any machines to process it. They simply burn large piles of it in the open, resulting in a lot of pollution. Until sometime back, it was a big problem for the authorised e-waste recyclers because they had tough competition with the small-scale illegal sector recyclers. But now, the government of India is very strict about pollution issues. It is coming down very hard on the unauthorised sector. A lot of the raids are conducted in the illegal sector; unbilled materials worth hundreds of millions of rupees are seized every month. Severe penalties are imposed. And this works in favor of the registered recyclers. Because all these strict measures are taking the e-waste recycling industry towards an opportunity that registered recyclers have long been waiting for. So, there is definitely a good future for e-waste recycling in India in an environmentally friendly manner.
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